Wednesday, April 6, 2011
My progress is slow.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I lost my knitting needles
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I've decided to start knitting again.

I would start a project and never finish it, just dump it.
So I've decided to stick to a plan now. I'm going to start knitting squares (cuz that's all I can do).
Eventually I'll have enough squares to sew together and make an afghan (bedspread).
I've already gone to walmart earlier and bought 4 different coloured balls of yarn.
When I got home I started right away by knitting 50 stitches and then a couple more rows.
Here's the pictures of my beginnings of a grand project!
What is your project? What do you have on the go? Type me your answer here.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Knitting Baby Clothes - A Family Tradition
Author: Christina TaylorI am going to share with you a story about a woman who was taught by her mother on how to knit baby clothes and how she passed on her knowledge on skills to her children and children's children.
When my grandmother was still on her prime, she would knit baby clothes to each of her children. Her children would always wonder, what makes so special about knitting? And every time she would answer them that knitting is provides a nice personal feeling for her, especially when she sees the knitted clothes worn by her children.
When I was a small kid, my grandmother taught me how to crochet. As soon as my plump little fingers could hold the needle without harming myself, she made no delay on teaching me how to knit. By the time I was six and grandma sights were already failing, she made me thread the needles for her.
At eight years old, my mother knitted a complete spring wardrobe for me. I specifically remember the items she knitted particularly that red trimmed handkerchief. She would sit on a corner and spend most of her time knitting my clothes. I can even remember up to now, the assortment of colors she used and the patterns came from my grandma which my mom used on the clothes she made for me.
I agree and would attest that there is indeed something special in handmade clothing. It goes beyond the designs used, the colors, and quality of the work. It seems there is something really magical that made me feel special every time I put them on. Maybe because I knew that every stitch and knot was lovingly made for me and my brothers.
So, when I got married and got pregnant with my first child, I felt the urge to knit baby clothes for my little one. I started planning out what clothes my baby would wear when she comes home from the hospital and started knitting. The problem is, the moment I started it was very difficult to stop. Knitting became endless for me.
Making clothes for our children is more than just being able to save money or design clothes that we would want our babies to wear. It is our way of showing our love to them.
As the years go by, I continued to sew, knit and crochet clothing for my kids. They have a wide variety of knitted items on their closet, dresses, blankets, hats, sweater, and even pants for each one of them. I never stopped knitting with love for them. Sometimes, I even wondered if this hobby is going out of hand, and I almost gave up on it when I came across something that tells me that I shouldn't.
Recently I paid a visit to my 22 year old daughter. I saw the sweater I knitted for her draped onto her favorite teddy bear. The teddy bear was placed on top of her dresser. On her table was a blanket I made for her.
My 19 year old boy is now all grown up and lives on his own. Though there are items that he left in the house when he moved out, he never left the knitted blanket I made for him which he was wrapped in it on our way home from the hospital after my giving birth. He even creates clothes for himself which mostly are patches and other strange designs which I couldn't figure out.
My 15 year old put away her party dress which I made for her when she was just six months old. And guess what where I found it? I found it neatly folded on her precious little treasure box, which contains special items that mean a lot to her.
My 2 boys, one is a 10 year old and the other is 12, has kept the blankets that I used to wrap them when we came from the hospital after my delivery. It became their favorite blankets.
So you see all the hard work and long hours of knitting eventually paid off. When they grow up to become parents and have families of their own, I sincerely hope that they will be able to pass on the knitting tradition and the story that goes with it to their children and their children's children.
Purchase and compare baby clothing articles online. Visit Amongo, the top-rated baby clothing comparison portal and read some cool stuff at Clayeux baby clothing.
Article Source: - Knitting Baby Clothes - A Family Tradition
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Benefits of Knitting Circles
It is essential to depend on others to succeed to the fullest. It is only with the assistance of others that we can become the whole person that we could be. It is through others that we can develop all aspects of our personality. Our dealings with other people shape our personality and develop our interpersonal skills. No one ever achieved anything great by themselves, and if we continue to hide behind the “I’ll take care of just me” facade, we’ll never achieve anything great either.
So what does that have to do with knitting circles? Knitting circles have for centuries brought
women together to share their experiences, to ask advice, and to encourage one another.
It’s a fun environment and a learning environment all at the same time. It provides a place where women can go to find community. Most importantly, it is a place where that community does not stand in judgment.
This kind of community is a large part of what is missing in our society today. By “nesting” and staying home, we have abandoned community. Nesting is a phenomena punctuated by the growing number of telecommuters, work at homers, and internet chat. We’re avoiding people and choosing to stay at home where we feel safe. The internet brings us chat rooms, but we can’t hold a conversation in person. Nesting is keeping us from achieving all we can achieve.
So, enter knitting circles! Knitting circles are a way to connect with the people who can help you achieve something great.
You must get out of your house to have a circle (or at least invite people over to your house). You will be able to share the common interest of knitting with people who bring varied experiences. You will have the chance to talk to people and share in their wisdom.
You may not solve the great mysteries of the world, and your achievements may never be chronicled in encyclopedias for generations to revere, but imagine the pride of knowing you’ve changed one person for the better. Imagine knowing that what you had to offer was exactly what someone needed to make a dramatic change for the better. Wow! You might raise a child, coach a business owner, write a book, offer your expertise to assist another, or even just listen and ask understanding questions. When was the last time someone truly listened to what you said?
See what I mean?
This is the value of community and the value of knitting circles. Knitting circles bring women together in an environment where it is comfortable to share and ask questions. It is safe to learn something new. It appeals to women of all walks of life and all generations. Find a circle near you, come to one of my Knit One, Share Two events, or start one of your own. You’ll be creating a life-changing group that will encourage each to become more than they already are.
Article by:
Lisa Akers is the president of Be Still & Knit. Her company teaches women how to find peace and stillness in their lives through handwork. By discovering knit and crochet, women develop a new way to take time for themselves and share the love they have as warm clothing! Find out more about Lisa at or listen to her podcast at
Last 5 posts by Lisa Akers
Boredom and Frustration - A Knitter’s Friend - October 5th, 2008
Knitting isn't Skydiving - September 20th, 2008
How do you know if you need to take time to be still? - September 20th, 2008
Patience is a Great Teacher - September 20th, 2008
Prayer Shawls - September 20th, 2008